Tečaj Get started with Microsoft Security Copilot

Status: Nepotrjen

1 dan (7 pedagoških ur)

Koda tečaja: SC-5006

Cena: 420,00 € (brez DDV)


About the course

Learn about Microsoft Security Copilot, an AI-powered security analysis tool that enables analysts to process security signals and respond to threats at a machine speed, and the AI concepts upon which it's built.


  • Working knowledge of security operations and incident response
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft security products and services

Modules in this learning path

Fundamentals of Generative AI
In this module, you explore the way in which language models enable AI applications and services to generate original content based on natural language input. You also learn how generative AI enables the creation of copilots that can assist humans in creative tasks.

Describe Microsoft Security Copilot
Get acquainted with Microsoft Security Copilot. You are introduced to some basic terminology, how Microsoft Security Copilot processes prompts, the elements of an effective prompt, and how to enable the solution.

Describe the core features of Microsoft Security Copilot
Microsoft Security Copilot has a rich set of features. Learn about available plugins, promptbooks, the ways you can export and share information from Copilot, and much more.

Describe the embedded experiences of Microsoft Security Copilot
Microsoft Security Copilot is accessible directly from some Microsoft security products. This is referred to as the embedded experience. Learn about the scenarios supported by the Copilot embedded experience in Microsoft’s security solutions.

Explore use cases of Microsoft Security Copilot
Explore use cases of Microsoft Security Copilot in the standalone and embedded experiences, through lab-like exercises.

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