Tečaj Instructional Skills - Impactful presentations and training

Status: Nepotrjen

5 dni (24 pedagoških ur)

Koda tečaja: MCT-ISCP

Cena: 2.350,00 € (brez. DDV)


Program overview

The highly interactive and interval training is designed for all aspiring instructors/trainers and those who are already in this role but wish to enhance their skills and equip themselves with the right tools. It is enabling long-term behavior change of trainers by focusing on three dimensions: skills, attitude and mindset needed to deliver positive experiences in training room.

You will learn how to become and stand out as a good trainer. You will learn how to plan and prepare for delivering presentations, understand various presentation methods, adapt to the needs and learning styles of students, effectively deliver presentations, and evaluate student learning outcomes and the trainer's performance.

We will also compare online presentations with hybrid and live presentations and show you how to achieve maximum effectiveness with each delivery method.

You will be actively involved in various exercises and actively participate in presentations during whole duration of the program. Participation in small groups and in front of the class is encouraged. You will need to prepare and deliver a brief presentation (20 minutes). Between intervals, attendees will work on the implementation of learned techniques in practice, which ensures faster learning, quicker implementation onto practice and higher impact of learning.

Program is focused on situations when it is important what students are going to do after the training. Key message of the program is “induce others to act”, implemented in all phases of preparing and delivering impactful training.

Course outline

Module 1: Conditions for effective presentations

  • Effective personal appearance
  • Positive orientation towards the person and things, matters
  • Creating a personal vision as an energy source
  • Basics of rhetoric
  • Effective use of language, gestures and facial expressions

Visible change

Making better use of new opportunities:

  • with a positive attitude towards change
  • by increasing personal energy and motivation
  • through enhanced collaboration and communication
  • by strengthening personal resilience

Module 2: Understanding, recognizing and influencing through personal preference (Insights discovery)

  • Understanding personal preference and its impact on our behavior, communication and collaboration
  • Recognizing and adapting communication and presentation style to customers' personal preferences

Visible change

  • Increased self-awareness
  • Ability to recognize the preferences of others
  • The ability to adjust one's own style and behavior to have a greater impact on others

Module 3: Presentation excellence

  • Strengthening personal influence
  • Effective moderation and presentation
  • Targeted speeches, presentations and conversations
  • Improving speaking and communicating skills
  • Remote influence (virtual)
  • Discussion management techniques

Visible change

Promoting attendees activity through:

  • increase in personal impact during presentations
  • more convincing presentations (in person & virtual)
  • effective “selling” of ideas to attendees
  • inducing others to act

Module 4: Leading the discussion

  • Sincere interest in others
  • Conducting a discussion by asking the right questions
  • Active listening
  • Handling of objections
  • Develop courage for equal behaviour

Visible change

Consciously directing conversations with attendees:

  • by building trust in interactions with others
  • by searching for relevant information
  • focusing the debate on results
  • by actively influencing the dynamics of power in the interaction


Ongoing throughout the training and on final day.

You will need to prepare and deliver a training sessions (20 minutes) in front of the committee.

The committee will closely assess your ability to manage the learning environment, establish and maintain instructor credibility, demonstrate effective communication and presentation skills, employ effective questioning techniques, respond appropriately to learners needs, utilize instructional methods effectively, and employ media appropriately.

Additionally, all participants will also receive Insights Discovery personal profile

  • The main personal characteristics of each participant, the strengths of each participant;
  • Possible areas of development of each participant
  • communication strategies for better collaboration, influence and presentations
  • Recommendations for personal growth of each participant

Language: English

Number of participants is (up to) 12.

Looking for Private group training? Dates and prices are on request.The course can also be conducted in other languages, locations, or live virtual.

Training dates

  • 17.9.2024 (9:00 - 16:00)
  • 3.10.2024 (9:00 - 16:00)
  • 15.10.2024 (9:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 16:00)
  • 25.10.2024 (9:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 16:00)
  • 5.11.2024 (9:00 - 16:00)

About trainer:

Boštjan Stražar is certified business trainer in Hansen Beck Slovenia with 20+ years of sales, marketing and leadership experiences within IT industry. He started his professional career in 1997 as software development team lead. In 2002 he joined Microsoft technical pre-sales team and most recently he was responsible for Microsoft Security Go-to-Market strategy, delivering business outcomes and successfully driving Security business. During his 20+ years at Microsoft, he has developed from team member to leader of various sized teams, regional teams & virtual teams across Central and Eastern Europe region, building high-performing teams and collaborating at various levels of the organization.

    Areas of expertise:
  • Leadership and Management
  • Sales and Negotiations
  • Team Development
  • Communication
  • Presentations Skills
  • Project Management
  • Time Management
  • Insights Discovery 2.0
  • Business Genome


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