Microsoft Razvoj tečaj Introduction to JavaScript

Status: Nepotrjen

4 dni (36 pedagoških ur)


Koda tečaja: JSC101

Cena: 1.250,00 € (brez DDV)


The Introduction to JavaScript course provides an in-depth look at the essential concepts of JavaScript, one of the most popular programming languages for web development. Covering a wide range of topics, from JavaScript basics, variables, arrays, and operators, to functions, built-in objects, conditionals, loops, and event handling, this course aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge to create interactive and dynamic web applications. Additionally, the course delves into the HTML Document Object Model, the CSS Object Model, and error handling, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of JavaScript and its role in web development.


  • Comprehensive Coverage: The course offers a thorough examination of JavaScript concepts, enabling students to develop a strong foundation in the language and its applications.
  • Practical Examples: Real-world examples and exercises are provided throughout the course, allowing students to apply their newly acquired skills in various contexts and gain a deeper understanding of JavaScript.
  • Hands-on Learning: Through a series of exercises, students are encouraged to practice and refine their JavaScript skills, promoting better retention of the material.
  • Engaging Content: The course is designed to be interactive and engaging, keeping students interested and motivated to learn.
  • Experienced Authors: Created by industry experts with extensive experience in JavaScript, the course content is relevant, up-to-date, and tailored to meet the needs of modern web development.

Required Prerequisites

  • HTML

Useful Prerequisites

  • CSS
  • Programming experience

Course Details:

  • Module 1: JavaScript Basics
  • Module 2: Variables, Arrays, and Operators
  • Module 3: JavaScript Functions
  • Module 4: Built-In JavaScript Objects
  • Module 5: Conditionals and Loops
  • Module 6: Event Handlers and Listeners
  • Module 7: The HTML Document Object Model
  • Module 8: CSS Object Model
  • Module 9: Errors and Exceptions


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