Tečaj Making ChatGPT and Generative AI Work for You

Status: Nepotrjen

1 dan (9 pedagoških ur)


Koda tečaja: GENAIBIZ

Cena: 420,00 € (brez. DDV)



A major milestone in business automation has been reached—generative AI. Despite its recency, it has already started having a significant impact on our lives. But, the rapid pace at which generative AI is growing can be overwhelming. And, there are so many facets to this field that it can be difficult to know how to use it effectively to improve the business.

This course is designed to demystify generative AI for business professionals, as well as to trace its power to actionable, real-world business goals. It will give you the essential knowledge of generative AI you'll need to elevate the organization in these exciting times.

Course Objectives

In this course, you will identify ways in which generative AI can bring significant value to the organization. You will:

  • Describe the fundamentals of AI and generative AI.
  • Generate text using AI.
  • Generate code using AI.
  • Generate images and video using AI.
  • Generate audio using AI.
  • Identify the challenges of generative AI.
  • Implement organizational strategies for generative AI.

Target Student

This course is primarily designed for business leaders, consultants, product and project managers, and other decision makers who are interested in unlocking new business opportunities and augmenting existing business processes using generative AI. It's also a great starting point for any business professionals who want to investigate generative AI solutions for their own individual tasks and workflows.

This course is also designed to assist students in preparing for the CertNexus® GenAIBIZ (Exam GAZ-110) credential.


To ensure your success in this course, you should have a foundational knowledge of business processes and general business concepts. You should also have at least a basic understanding of information technology resources and systems, including networks, computers, and other electronic devices used in the enterprise.

Course Content:

    Lesson 1: AI Fundamentals

    • Topic A: AI Concepts
    • Topic B: Generative AI Concepts

    Lesson 2: Generating Text Using AI

    • Topic A: Identify Text Generation Concepts
    • Topic B: Solve Business Problems Using Text Generation

    Lesson 3: Generating Code Using AI

    • Topic A: Identify Code Generation Concepts
    • Topic B: Solve Business Problems Using Code Generation

    Lesson 4: Generating Images and Video Using AI

    • Topic A: Identify Image and Video Generation Concepts
    • Topic B: Solve Business Problems Using Image and Video Generation

    Lesson 5: Generating Audio Using AI

    • Topic A: Identify Audio Generation Concepts
    • Topic B: Solve Business Problems Using Audio Generation

    Lesson 6: Identifying Challenges of Generative AI

    • Topic A: Identify Shortcomings of Generative AI
    • Topic B: Identify Ethical Risks of Generative AI
    • Topic C: Identify Business Concerns of Generative AI

    Lesson 7: Implementing Business Strategies for Generative AI

    • Topic A: Apply Best Practices for Generative AI in the Organization
    • Topic B: Evaluate the Results of Generative AI Projects

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