Tečaj Cybersecurity Master Annual Program 2024

Status: Nepotrjen

12 dni (96 pedagoških ur)

Koda tečaja: CMAP2024

Cena: 5.000,00 € (brez. DDV)



  • A LIVE, online certification program divided into 14 modules and spread over 12 months. Additionally, you will receive an access to the bonus module 13 and 14, during which you will learn how to build secure cluster infrastructure in the cloud and become familiar with cyber threat intelligence!
  • 14 x 8-hour workshops conducted LIVE every month on the last Thursday of each month (except for December, which will be conducted a week earlier) in EU time zones.
  • The syllabus covers 14 modules to equip you with 14 essential cybersecurity skills for Windows systems: Securing Windows platforms, System forensics, Pentesting web applications, Hardening Active Directory infrastructure, Implementing privileged access workstations, Implementing secure Azure Active Directory, Mastering PKI, Mastering Code Security, Configuring application whitelisting, Empowering the Powershell, Mastering monitoring operations and threat intelligence, Securing SQL server.
  • The workshops are interactive and demo-intensive. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions after every workshop.
  • All live workshops will be recorded and accessible for students any time in case you miss a live workshop or want to review what you’ve learned. You will have access to each workshop recording for 12 months after the live training.
  • During the 12-month training, you’ll gain access to our exclusive Discord community server, where you can connect with other learners for networking activities, support for home assignments, motivation, and more.
  • Official CQURE certificate for “Cybersecurity Master Annual Program”.
  • With the flexibility to learn these certifiable skills online from qualified experts, there’s no excuse not to dive in and take your future into your own hands.



Naročite se na Xnet novice in ostanite na tekočem glede novih tečajev, seminarjev, možnosti pridobitve novih certificiranj in akcijskih cen.

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Po prejetem plačilu vam bomo poslali dodatne informacije in morebitna navodila glede izvedbe tečaja ali opravljanja izpita, na vaš e-poštni naslov. Hvala

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Hvala za uspešno oddano prijavo! Takoj, ko obdelamo vašo prijavo, se vam oglasimo po telefonu ali preko e-mail sporočila.
Hvala za vaše zaupanje. Želimo vam lep in uspešen dan!

Še niste naročeni na naše novice?

Naročite se na Xnet novice in ostanite na tekočem glede novih tečajev, seminarjev, možnosti pridobitve novih certificiranj in akcijskih cen.

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