Microsoft Azure tečaj Configuring and Operating Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop

Status: Nepotrjen

4 dni (36 pedagoških ur)


Koda tečaja: AZ140

Cena: 1.250,00 € (brez DDV)


About the course

This course teaches Azure administrators how to plan, deliver, and manage virtual desktop experiences and remote apps, for any device, on Azure. Lessons include implementing and managing networking for Azure Virtual Desktop, configuring host pools and session hosts, creating session host images, implementing, and managing FSLogix, monitoring Azure Virtual Desktop performance and health, and automating Azure Virtual Desktop management tasks. Students will learn through a mix of demonstrations and hands-on lab experiences deploying virtual desktop experiences and apps on Azure Virtual Desktop and optimizing them to run in multi-session virtual environments. Candidates of this course must have solid Azure administration skills. This course assumes prior experience, including virtualization, networking, identity, storage, backup and restore, and disaster recovery. Students should have knowledge of on-premises virtual desktop infrastructure technologies as they relate to migrating to Azure Virtual Desktop. Students are expected to have used the tools common to the Azure environment, such as the Azure PowerShell and Cloud Shell.

Audience profile

Students for AZ-140: Configuring and Operating Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop are interested in delivering applications on Azure Virtual Desktop and optimizing them to run in multi-session virtual environments. As an Azure Virtual Desktop administrator, you will closely with the Azure Administrators and Architects, along with Microsoft 365 Administrators. Azure Virtual Desktop administrator responsibilities include planning, deploying, packaging, updating, and maintaining the Azure Virtual Desktop infrastructure. They also create session host images, implement and manage FSLogix, monitor Azure Virtual Desktop performance, and automate Azure Virtual Desktop management tasks.

Skills gained:

  • Select an appropriate licensing model for Windows Virtual Desktop
  • Implement networking for Windows Virtual Desktop
  • Manage Windows Virtual Desktop session hosts by using Azure Bastion
  • Configure storage for FSLogix components
  • Create and manage session host images
  • Implement Azure roles and role-based access control (RBAC) for Windows Virtual Desktop
  • Configure user Windows Virtual Desktop experience settings
  • Install and configure apps on a session host
  • Implement business continuity and disaster recovery
  • Monitor and manage Windows Virtual Desktop performance


This training prepares you for:

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