Microsoft Azure tečaj Configure secure access to your workloads using networking with Azure Virtual Network

Status: Nepotrjen

1 dan (8 pedagoških ur)

Koda tečaja: AZ-1002

Cena: 420,00 € (brez DDV)


In this 1-day course you will practice configuring secure access to workloads using Azure networking.


  • none

Configure virtual networks
Learn to configure virtual networks and subnets, including IP addressing.

Configure Azure Virtual Network peering
Learn to configure an Azure Virtual Network peering connection and address transit and connectivity concerns.

Manage and control traffic flow in your Azure deployment with routes
Learn how to control Azure virtual network traffic by implementing custom routes.

Host your domain on Azure DNS
Create a DNS zone for your domain name. Create DNS records to map the domain to an IP address. Test that the domain name resolves to your web server.

Configure network security groups
Learn how to implement network security groups, and ensure network security group rules are correctly applied.

Introduction to Azure Firewall
Describe how Azure Firewall protects Azure Virtual Network resources, including the Azure Firewall features, rules, deployment options, and administration with Azure Firewall Manager.

Guided Project - Configure secure access to workloads with Azure virtual networking services
In this module, you practice configuring secure access to workloads using Azure virtual networking. The lab combines both learning and hands-on practice.

Prepare for your Applied Skills credential

This one-day, instructor-led training is recommended as preparation for the assessment Configure secure access to your workloads using Azure networking

Microsoft Applied Skills is a new scenario-based credential that proves your proficiency in skill sets specific to critical business problems, so you can make a bigger impact on your projects, your organization, and your career.

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