Microsoft SharePoint tečaj SharePoint 2016 End User Training

Status: Nepotrjen

3 dni (27 pedagoških ur)


Koda tečaja: 55199

Cena: 1.150,00 € (brez DDV)

About this course

This SharePoint 2016 End User course offers a comprehensive introduction to the essential features and functionalities of SharePoint for end users. Students will learn how to navigate and manage SharePoint sites, work with lists and libraries, create and customize views, and integrate SharePoint with Microsoft Office applications. The course also covers site columns, content types, permissions, and user communities, ensuring that students gain a solid understanding of the platform and its capabilities.


  • Comprehensive coverage: The courseware covers all essential aspects of SharePoint 2016 for end users, providing a thorough understanding of its features and functionalities.
  • Practical examples: Real-world examples and exercises are used throughout the course to illustrate key concepts and reinforce learning.
  • Hands-on learning: Students engage in hands-on exercises that help them apply their newfound knowledge and skills in a practical context.
  • Engaging content: The courseware is designed to be engaging and easy to follow, ensuring that students remain interested and motivated throughout the learning process.
  • Experienced authors: The courseware is created by industry experts who have extensive experience in SharePoint and a deep understanding of its features and best practices.


  • SharePoint 2016 Introduction
  • SharePoint List Basics
  • Library Basics
  • Working with Lists and Library Views
  • Working with Sites
  • Page Content
  • Forms Library
  • Site Columns and Content Types
  • Office Integration
  • Managing SharePoint Site Permissions
  • Participating in User Communities


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