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Jože Markič

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Pridobljeni nazivi

Microsoft® Certified Trainer - MCT: od 2. decembra 2005; Microsoft® Certified Solutions Expert - MCSE: Cloud Platform and Infrastructure, Cloud Platform and Infrastructure (*Charter), Server Infrastructure (*Charter), Desktop Infrastructure, Mobility; Productivity; Microsoft® Certified Solutions Associate - MCSA: Cloud Platform (*Charter), Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008; Microsoft® Certified: Azure Fundamentals, Azure Administrator Associate;Microsoft® 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate; Microsoft® Specialist: Server Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V and System Center Specialist, Implementing Microsoft Azure Solutions, Windows 7 Enterprise Desktop Administrator, Windows 7 Configuring, Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions, Configuring Windows Devices; Microsoft® Technology Associate - MTA: Security Fundamentals, Windows Operating System Fundamentals, Windows Server Administration Fundamentals, Networking Fundamentals

Katere tečaje pokriva

Tečaj Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server Prijavi se

Tečaj Supporting and Troubleshooting Windows 11 Prijavi se

Tečaj Networking with Windows Server Prijavi se

Tečaj Administering Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager Prijavi se

Tečaj Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals Prijavi se

Microsoft Azure tečaj Configure secure access to your workloads using networking with Azure Virtual Network Prijavi se

Microsoft Azure tečaj Secure storage for Azure Files and Azure Blob Storage Prijavi se

Microsoft Azure tečaj Deploy and configure Azure Monitor Prijavi se

Microsoft Azure tečaj Microsoft Azure Administrator Prijavi se

Microsoft Azure tečaj Configuring and operating Windows Virtual Desktop on Microsoft Azure Prijavi se

Microsoft Azure tečaj Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions Prijavi se

Microsoft Azure tečaj Microsoft Azure Security Technologies Prijavi se

Microsoft Azure tečaj Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions Prijavi se

Tečaj Administering Windows Server Hybrid Core Infrastructure Prijavi se

Tečaj Configuring Windows Server Hybrid Advanced Services Prijavi se

Microsoft Azure tečaj Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Prijavi se

Tečaj Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Prijavi se

Tečaj Microsoft 365 Endpoint Administrator Prijavi se

Tečaj Microsoft Identity and Access Administrator Prijavi se

Tečaj Configure SIEM security operations using Microsoft Sentinel Prijavi se

Tečaj Secure Azure services and workloads with Microsoft Defender for Cloud regulatory compliance controls Prijavi se

Tečaj Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals Prijavi se


Prijavite se na tečaj in osvojite novo znanje!

Investicija v znanje je najboljša investicija in nekaj kar vam ne bo nihče mogel vzeti. Obogatite svojo karierno pot z novimi znanji in izbirajte med mnogimi tečaji, ki jih ponujamo glede na najnovejše tehnologije na trgu.



29.08.2011 - 2.09.2011: CCIE Security Bootcamp (Ljubljana)

15.05.2011 - 19.05.2011: TechEd NA (Atlanta, ZDA)

7.06.2010 - 10.06.2010: TechEd NA (New Orleans, ZDA)

23.11.2009 - 27.11.2009: Cisco SNAA (Ljubljana)

5.10.2009 - 9.10.2009: Cisco SNAF (Ljubljana)

14.09.2009 - 18.09.2009: Cisco CCNA Bootcamp (Ljubljana)

8.01.2009 - 11.01.2009: MS Trainer's conf. (Microsoft, Praga)

9.06.2008 - 13.06.2008: Tech Ed (Orlando, ZDA)

1.03.2007 - 20.12.2007: angleščina / CAE (Ljubljana)

6.03.2006 - 6.03.2006: Real Time Collaboration (Microsoft)

Guest lecturer

10.12.2018 - 14.12.2018: 20533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (London)

8.10.2018 - 12.10.2018: 20533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (London)

17.09.2018 - 21.09.2018: 20697-2 Deploying and Managing Windows 10 Using Enterprise Services (Haag)

6.08.2018 - 10.08.2018: 20533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (London)

2.07.2018 - 4.07.2018: 20703-2 Integrating MDM and Cloud Services with System Center Configuration Manager (London)

25.06.2018 - 29.06.2018: 20533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (London)

18.06.2018 - 22.06.2018: 20695 Deploying Windows Desktops and Enterprise Applications (London)

31.05.2018 - 1.06.2018: 10979 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (London)

21.05.2012 - 24.05.2012: Delavnica: Configuring Hyper - V over Highly Available SMB Storage (NTK, Portorož)

24.04.2012 - 24.04.2012: SloWug (Slovenija)

10.04.2012 - 10.04.2012: SBSC (Slovenija)

17.10.2011 - 21.10.2011: Simbioz@ e-pismena Slovenija - vodja prostovoljec na lokaciji Kompas Xnet (Ljubljana)

23.05.2011 - 25.05.2011: Novosti v Microsoftovi Virtualizaciji (NTK, Portorož)

5.04.2011 - 5.04.2011: Brezplačna orodja in administracija (SBSC, Ljubljana)

9.03.2011 - 9.03.2011: Brezplačna orodja in administracija (SloWUG, Ljubljana)

9.02.2011 - 9.02.2011: Microsoft Forefront TMG - kako povečati varnost uporabnikov pri brskanju po internetu (Slowug, Ljubljana)

12.10.2010 - 13.10.2010: FitzaIT-Tehnični vidik uvajanja Office-a 2010 in Windows 7 z OPK orodij (Maribor - Ljubljana)

24.05.2010 - 27.05.2010: Delavnica: Migracija iz Windows XP na Windows 7 z brezplačnim Microsoftovimi orodji (NTK, Portorož)

18.11.2009 - 18.11.2009: WDS (Windows Deployment Services) in Windows Server 2008 R2 (SloWUG)

14.10.2009 - 14.10.2009: Brezplacna orodja in administracija (SloWUG)

25.05.2009 - 27.05.2009: Delavnica: Prehod na Windows 7 (NTK, Portorož)

25.05.2009 - 27.05.2009: Kaj prinaša Internet Explorer 8 za podjetja? (NTK, Portorož)

12.02.2009 - 12.02.2009: Forefront Client Security – danes, jutri in konkurenca (DISS, Ljubljana)

12.05.2008 - 14.05.2008: Zmožnosti oddaljenega upravljanja okolja Microsoft Windows (NTK, Portorož)

5.03.2008 - 5.03.2008: Nepogrešljiva brezplačna orodja za administratorje (SloWUG, Ljubljana)

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