Querying Microsoft SQL Server with Transact-SQL
10.03 - 14.03
At Kompas Xnet, we combine innovation and expertise, to create the perfect solutions for a bright future for your business. As a leading provider of systems integration, cyber security, SharePoint and BI solutions, we keep your business secure and efficient. Our range of services also includes world-class training and certifications and the development of custom applications that are perfectly tailored to your business needs. We keep you one step ahead of the competition by providing comprehensive and tailored solutions, that drive your success.
We are proud organizers of the THRIVE conference, which focuses each year on the latest trends and developments in modern IT technologies. The event brings together experts and enthusiasts from various industries to discuss innovations and share experiences, knowledge. By organizing this conference, we aim to contribute to the spread of technological expertise and the strengthening of the IT community.
A testament to our expertise, dedication, and commitment to customer satisfaction.
Trusted by
Our passion for learning and acquiring new knowledge
I appreciate the support you gave to my team in Ashgabat and I was aware of the services you provide. I will certainly look for opportunities to work with you again. James Bulley - Chief Executive Trivandi
S Kompas Xnetom sodelujemo že vrsto let in vedno so se izkazali kot zanesljiv partner, ki zna prisluhniti željam in potrebam naročnika. Andreja Kerč - vodja kadrov Metronik d.o.o.
Nadgradnja in migracija vseh vsebin in rešitev na intranetnem portalu AJPES je bila izvedena brez težav in v dogovorjenih časovnih rokih. Zaradi navedenega izvajalca vsekakor priporočamo tudi drugim. Marjan Babič - Vodja IT službe, namestnik direktorja AJPES
Odziv udeležencev tečaja je bil zelo pozitiven, večina je tečaj ocenila kot koristen. Zadovoljni smo bili z vsebinsko izvedbo tečaja, pa tudi operativno, saj je tečaj potekal na sedežu našega podjetja. Anamari Šuštar - vodja administracije in kadrov Mimovrste
Kompas Xnet je profesionalno podjetje na najvišjem nivoju. Zanesljiv, profesionalni poslovni partner, ki stoji za svojimi obljubami. dr. Srečko Zupančič - Specialist področja in Janez Selak - Skrbnik IT sistemov - Krka d.d.
"Tečaj je bil zelo primeren za spoznavanje SQL DWN. Še posebej koristne so predavatelje izkušnje, ki mi lahko v prihodnosti privarčujejo marsikateri glavobol." Erik Žunec - Comtrade
Specialisti Kompas Xneta so presenetili upravo Eurodesigna ter BEGOC-a s svojim profesionalnim odnosom, izvrstnim tehničnim znanjem ter prvovrstno izvedbo. Sabir Hagverdiyev - Service Delivery Manager Eurodesign CSC, Azerbajdžan
Bootcamp: "Najboljše izobraževanje ever! Ogromno izmenjave znanja med slušatelji in predavatelji, abnormalna količina novega znanja. Upam, da zadevo še kdaj ponovimo." Jure Klančar - Zavarovalnica Sava d.d.
Izbrana strokovna ekipa sistemskih administratorjev s svojim znanjem, izkušnjami posebej pa z odprtostjo predstavlja vitalni člen v verigi zagotavljanja zanesljivih IT rešitev. Jure Lakota - Direktor IT za regijo Toyota Adria d.o.o.
Frequently asked questions and answers
The training is provided in the modern classrooms of the Kompas Xnet d.o.o. training centre at Stegne 7, Ljubljana, or online in real time via the Microsoft Teams platform. Upon agreement, we can also deliver training at the client's location for closed groups. The schedule of the courses depends on the programme and the course, either from 8:30 to 14:30 or from 9:00 to 17:00.
Online training: To take part in the online training, you will need a computer, the appropriate software, a camera, a microphone and a stable internet connection. If you don't have the necessary conditions at home, you can follow the training from our classrooms, where we also allow you to be physically present during the online programmes.
Classroom training: If the training takes place in our classrooms, you only need to be present and willing to learn.
You can register for training via our website You can find the course registration form or the interest list on the page below the course description, which you can access by clicking on the title of the course in the course calendar. Once you have submitted your application form, you will receive a confirmation of your application to the email address you have provided.
Payment to a company transaction account.
Kompas Xnet is located at Stegne 7, 1000 Ljubljana, on the 4th floor of the S7 office building, where Fotona and AKOS are also located. Our opening hours are from 8:00 to 16:00.
We have reserved a gravel parking lot at the Slovenian Book for participants of the training (limited parking spaces available). Please ring the ramp on arrival and mention that you have come to Kompas Xnet d.o.o..
Parking is also available in the area around the office building or in the pay parking lot at the Telekom office building.
If you have any problems registering, please contact us at:
Phone: +386 1 5136 993
You can check our many references and case studies on:
You can check the participants' recommendations on:
We will get back to you as soon as possible