Tečaj Internet Information Services Management, LIVE VIRTUAL

Status: Unconfirmed

5 days (45 teaching hours)


Price: 1.700,00 € (VAT not included)


About the course:

Internet Information Services is a solution that can be delivered in a couple of hours as well as in 3 weeks – we practiced both options! IIS is a never-ending subject that requires a deep-dive if you consider using it for web farm administration or if you want to become familiar with IIS behavior in particular situations. During this intensive 5-day training students will be introduced to the process of configuring advanced IIS features, configuring security settings, performing advanced troubleshooting and monitoring. You will learn everything you need to maintain and provide availability to business Web Application platform.

Target audience:

Enterprise administrators, web administrators, infrastructure architects, security professionals, systems engineers, network administrators, IT professionals, security consultants and other people responsible for implementing network and perimeter security.


To attend this training, you should have Windows Server Management and basic Web Server technologies experience.


  • Module 1: Introducing, installing and configuring IIS 10 on Windows Server 2019
  • Module 2: Administering Web Sites
  • Module 3: Administering Applications and Application Pools
  • Module 4: Configuring Application Development Settings
  • Module 5: IIS 10 functionality extensions
  • Module 6: Managing IIS 10 Modules
  • Module 7: Securing the IIS 10 platform and web environment
  • Module 8: IIS 10 Remote Management
  • Module 9: Configuring FTP Server on IIS 10
  • Module 10: Managing IIS 10 from the command line
  • Module 11: Tuning IIS 10 health and performance
  • Module 12: Administering Web Server Availability with Web Farms
  • Module 13: IIS 10 Diagnostics


  • Przemek Tomasik

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