Robi Vončina
SharePoint Architect, System Engineer; Trainer
O meni
Ranking in the top 20 of the most influential experts in SharePoint in Europe, according to rankings by, Robi is recognized as one of the most qualified SharePoint consultants in Slovenia. He is an active participant in all of the most significant SharePoint related events in Slovenia as well as the leader and founder of the Slovenian SharePoint Users Group. As a student he began his work as a lecturer in IT which allowed him to accumulate considerable knowledge and experience. Constantly improving his skills, including attending seminars abroad, he constantly shares his knowledge with participants of numerous courses and workshops. This includes lecturing at the annual Microsoft NT conference and other Microsoft events. He has accumulated a tremendous amount of practical experience, which stems from participation in numerous SharePoint projects in Slovenia. He currently possesses 25 valid Microsoft certificates, which confirm his status as MCP, MCT (which he received in 2007) and several others. But his greatest achievement to date came in 2013, when he became a Microsoft MVP for SharePoint products. Link to the MVP site > MCP transcript > Transcript ID: 816918; Access Code: RobertVoncina
Pridobljeni nazivi
Microsoft® Specialist: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3; Microsoft® Specialist: Windows 7, Configuring, Windows7, Enterprise Desktop Administrator; Windows 7, Enterprise Desktop Support Technician; Microsoft® Certified Solutions Expert - MCSE: SharePoint; Microsoft® Technology Associate – MTA: Windows Server Administration Fundamentals; Microsoft® Certified Solutions Associate – MCSA: Office 365; Windows Server 2012; Windows 7; Windows Server 2008; Microsoft® Certified IT Professional – MCITP: Enterprise Administrator on Windows Server 2008; Server Administrator on Windows Server 2008; SharePoint Administrator 2010(C*); Enterprise Desktop Administrator on Windows 7(C*); Enterprise Desktop Support Technician on Windows 7(C*); Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator – MCSA: Windows Server 2003; Microsoft® Certified Trainer – MCT: od 1. aprila 2008 dalje; Microsoft Office 2007 Master: Microsoft Certified Application Specialist Instructor
Katere tečaje pokriva
Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 for the Site Owner/Power User
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SharePoint 2016 End User Training
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SharePoint 2016 Power User Training
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SharePoint Online Power User
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SharePoint Online for Administrators
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Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server
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Automating Administration with PowerShell
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Managing Microsoft Teams
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Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals
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Investicija v znanje je najboljša investicija in nekaj kar vam ne bo nihče mogel vzeti. Obogatite svojo karierno pot z novimi znanji in izbirajte med mnogimi tečaji, ki jih ponujamo glede na najnovejše tehnologije na trgu.
15.10.2022 - 15.10.2022: SharePoint Online migration options (CollabDays, Belgija)
4.02.2018 - 8.02.2018: MVP Summit (Redmond)
7.11.2016 - 11.11.2016: MVP Summit (ZDA, Seattle)
26.09.2016 - 30.09.2016: MS Ignite (Atlanta)
31.10.2015 - 6.11.2015: MVP Summit (ZDA,Seattle)
3.11.2014 - 6.11.2014: MVP Summit Washington (Washington, ZDA)
3.03.2014 - 6.03.2014: SharePoint Conference 2014 (Las Vegas, ZDA)
18.02.2013 - 21.02.2013: 2013 MVP Global Summit (ZDA, Seattle)
12.11.2012 - 15.11.2012: SharePoint konferenca 2013 (ZDA, Las Vegas)
17.09.2012 - 21.09.2012: Ignite SharePoint 2013 (ZDA, Dallas)
26.06.2012 - 29.06.2012: Tech Ed Europe 2012 – MCT Ambassador (Amsterdam)
3.10.2011 - 7.10.2011: Microsoft SharePoint konferenca (Anaheim, ZDA)
16.11.2009 - 20.11.2009: MS SharePoint 2010 Ignite IT Pro/Implementer (Berlin, Nemčija)
23.10.2009 - 23.10.2009: Upgrading SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 (Las Vegas, ZDA)
19.10.2009 - 22.10.2009: Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2009 (Las Vegas, ZDA)
15.09.2008 - 19.09.2008: SharePoint Branding Bootcamp (Las Vegas, ZDA)
8.09.2008 - 11.09.2008: SharePoint Server Administration (Atlanta, ZDA)
12.05.2008 - 20.05.2008: Share Point Bootcamp (Los Angeles, ZDA)
1.03.2007 - 20.12.2007: Angleščina / CAE (Ljubljana)
1.03.2007 - 1.10.2007: Francoščina: konverzacija ()
5.04.2006 - 7.04.2006: Real Time Collaboration (London, Velika Britanija)
Guest lecturer
30.05.2023 - 31.05.2023: Enable external collaboration with SPSE and AzureAD (Thrive konferenca, Lipica)
30.05.2023 - 31.05.2023: Tips and tricks for great SharePoint Online Intranets (Thrive konferenca, Lipica)
22.05.2023 - 24.05.2023: European Collaboration Summit (Düsseldorf, Nemčija)
26.09.2022 - 28.09.2022: Tips and tricks for great SharePoint Online Intranets (NTK, Portorož)
26.09.2022 - 28.09.2022: SharePoint Online Migration options (NTK, Portorož)
1.12.2021 - 1.12.2021: European Collaboration Summit (Nemčija)
25.11.2020 - 25.11.2020: Security and compliance center in O365 (NTK, Remote)
25.05.2020 - 25.05.2020: Advanced SharePoint on-prem troubleshooting (NTK, Remote)
22.05.2020 - 22.05.2020: Collaboration on documents using Microsoft Tools (NTK, Remote)
20.05.2020 - 20.05.2020: 10 best practices working with documents on SPO (NTK, Remote)
21.05.2019 - 23.05.2019: Upgrade to SharePoint 2019 (NTK, Portorož)
21.05.2019 - 23.05.2019: Uvod v MS Teams (NTK, Portorž)
4.12.2018 - 5.12.2018: Upgrade to SharePoint 2019 (Thrive konferenca)
4.12.2018 - 5.12.2018: Presentation of Case Studies (Thrive konferenca)
21.08.2018 - 23.08.2018: Prilagojena delavnica za SharePoint BI (Celovec)
25.06.2018 - 29.06.2018: 20339-1 Planning and Administering SharePoint 2016 (Newcastle)
28.05.2018 - 30.05.2018: European Collaboration Summit (ECS) (Nemčija, Mainz)
22.05.2018 - 24.05.2018: O365 PowerApps and Flow (NTK, Portorož)
22.05.2018 - 24.05.2018: O365 PowerShell (NTK, Portorož)
18.04.2018 - 20.04.2018: MS Network (BIH)
8.11.2017 - 9.11.2017: Configuring SharePoint 2016 for BI scenarios (Thrive konferenca)
3.06.2017 - 3.06.2017: Upgrade to SharePoint 2016 (Monaco)
29.05.2017 - 30.05.2007: SharePoint in ADFS (Collaboration Summit Zagreb)
15.05.2017 - 17.05.2017: SharePoint 2016 in Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 (NTK, Portorož)
16.11.2016 - 16.11.2016: Upgrade on SharePoint 2013 (Tech days, Zagreb)
24.10.2016 - 25.10.2016: ADFS and SharePoint: Better Together (Konferenca SharePoint dnevi 2016, Bled)
15.09.2016 - 15.09.2016: Cancel konferenca (Ljubljana)
30.05.2016 - 1.06.2016: SharePoint 2013 Search Operations (SPC Adriatics, Zagreb)
16.05.2016 - 18.05.2016: Od SQL Azure prek SP Online do Power BI (NTK, Portorož)
16.05.2016 - 18.05.2016: Nadgradnja na SP 2016 (NTK, Portorož)
17.11.2015 - 18.11.2015: SharePoint 2013 Search Operations (Konferenca SharePoint dnevi, Terme Zreče)
17.11.2015 - 18.11.2015: Dobre prakse za delo z dokumenti v SharePoint 2013 (Konferenca SharePoint dnevi)
21.10.2014 - 22.10.2014: Create company address book with User Profile and Search in SP2013 (Konferenca SharePoint dnevi, Portorož)
15.10.2014 - 17.10.2014: SharePoint 2013 Performance Analysis (SPC Adriatics, Zagreb)
17.05.2014 - 17.05.2014: 4th SharePoint Saturday Dubai event: Search for Power Users (Dubaj, Združeni arabski emirati)
9.04.2014 - 10.04.2014: NTK 214 (Bled)
9.04.2014 - 10.04.2014: Search for Power Users for SharePoint 2013 (NTK, Bled)
9.04.2014 - 10.04.2014: SharePoint 2013 Performance Analysis (NTK, Bled)
12.11.2013 - 13.11.2013: Advanced Upgrade to SharePoint 2013 (SharePoint dnevi, Terme Olimia)
12.11.2013 - 13.11.2013: Search for Power Users (SharePoint dnevi, Terme Olimia)
12.11.2013 - 13.11.2013: Mailbox? SharePoint site? Site Mailbox! (SharePoint dnevi, Terme Olimia)
21.05.2013 - 23.05.2013: Upgrade to SharePoint 2013 (SharePoint konferenca Kijev; Ukrajina)
23.04.2013 - 25.04.2013: Konfiguracija SharePoint za BI rešitve (NTK, Bled)
23.04.2013 - 25.04.2013: Prehod na SharePoint 2013 (NTK, Bled)
16.04.2013 - 16.04.2013: SloSpug; Upgrade to SharePoint 2013 Deep Dive (Ljubljana, Microsoft Slovenija)
15.03.2013 - 15.03.2013: FIT for IT: SharePoint 2013 Ignite (Microsoft, Ljubljana)
13.02.2013 - 13.02.2013: Načrtujte zmagovite projekte v SharePointu s pomočjo aplikacije MS Project (Sora pri Medvodah)
30.01.2013 - 30.01.2013: SloSpug; Kaj je novega za IT admine za SharePoint 2013? (Ljubljana, Microsoft Slovenija)
26.11.2012 - 27.11.2012: Kako smo zgradili stran; lessons learned (Slovenian) (Konferenca SharePoint dnevi, Kranjska gora)
26.11.2012 - 27.11.2012: SharePoint v praksi; Studio Moderna in spletna stran SharePoint dnevi (Konferenca SharePoint dnevi, Kranjska gora)
26.11.2012 - 27.11.2012: Okrogla miza: To Cloud or not to cloud (SharePoint dnevi, Kranjska gora)
26.11.2012 - 27.11.2012: Upgrading to SharePoint 2013 (SharePoint dnevi, Kranjska gora)
13.06.2012 - 13.06.2012: Poslovni zajtrk 3 (Ljubljana, DISS)
5.06.2012 - 5.06.2012: SloSpug - Content Query Web Part (Microsoft, Ljubljana)
24.05.2012 - 24.05.2012: Tips and tricks for IT pros (NTK, Portorož)
15.05.2012 - 15.05.2012: Poslovni zajtrk 2 (Ljubljana, DISS)
3.05.2012 - 3.05.2012: SloSPUG - SloSPUG Managing LOB Data with BCS (Microsoft, Ljubljana)
24.04.2012 - 24.04.2012: Poslovni zajtrk 1 (Ljubljana, DISS)
3.04.2012 - 3.04.2012: SloSPUG (Ljubljana, Microsoft)
29.03.2012 - 29.03.2012: Tricki pri uporabi produkta Sharepoint 2010, ki jih lahko uporabite pri strankah (Ljubljana, Microsoft)
22.03.2012 - 22.03.2012: Znanje je Zaupanje - ZGRABITE SVOJO PRODAJNO PRILOŽNOST (Ljubljana, DISS)
8.03.2012 - 8.03.2012: SharePoint 2010 - Tips'n'tricks for IT PROs (Zagreb, Hrvaška)
29.02.2012 - 29.02.2012: Microsoftova predstavitev kampanje Svetovalec (Ljubljana, Kompas Xnet)
7.02.2012 - 7.02.2012: SloSPUG (Ljubljana, Microsoft)
24.10.2011 - 25.10.2011: Kerberos in SharePoint 2010 (Konferenca SharePoint dnevi, Bled)
24.10.2011 - 25.10.2011: Tips & Tricks - Things I've learned (Konferenca SharePoint dnevi, Bled)
6.10.2011 - 6.10.2011: SloSPUG (Ljubljana, Microsoft)
23.05.2011 - 25.05.2011: Delavnica: konfiguriranje strežnika Sharepoint 2010 (NTK, Ljubljana)
23.05.2011 - 25.05.2011: Nadgradnja na Sharepoint 2010 (NTK, Ljubljana)
11.05.2011 - 11.05.2011: SloWUG: InfoPath 2010, Visio 2010, SharePoint Designer 2010 - Integracija S SharePoint Server 2010 (Ljubljana)
14.04.2011 - 14.04.2011: Fit for IT: SharePoint 2010, priprave na uspešno implementacijo (Ljubljana)
13.04.2011 - 13.04.2011: Fit for IT: SharePoint 2010, priprave na uspešno implementacijo (Maribor)
9.03.2011 - 9.03.2011: SloWUG - Namestitev in konfiguracija SharePoint 2010 (Ljubljana)
24.05.2010 - 27.05.2010: Delavnica: SharePoint 2010 (NTK, Portorož)
24.05.2010 - 27.05.2010: Nadgradnja SharePoint 2007 na SharePoint 2010 (NTK, Portorož)
15.03.2010 - 19.03.2010: Microsoft SharePoint Ignite (Ljubljana)
25.05.2009 - 27.05.2009: Izzivi pri prehodu na SharePoint (NTK, Portorož)
25.05.2009 - 27.05.2009: Delavnica: Content Types in Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server (NTK, Portorož)
13.03.2009 - 13.03.2009: FIT za IT: Windows SharePoint Services (Ljubljana)
12.03.2009 - 12.03.2009: FIT za IT: Windows SharePoint Services (Maribor)
24.05.2022 - 25.05.2022: SharePoint Online Migration Options (Thrive Konferenca, Bohinj)